Remote data scientist job

Hello I am determined to secure a data scientist job.

I have seven years of experience working as a civilian contractor for the USAF.

I have an undergraduate degree in computer science.

I have a master degree in data science.

I am proficient in R and SQL. I am good with Java/C# but I hate programming in Java/C# so I don't want to work a job programming Java/C# 24/7. I also don't want to program in C or C++ even I am good with C or C++.

I want a remoted job programming in R. I don't do python programming, but it should not be hard to pick it up and practice python.

I was ill as I have lived in the hospital to treat my stomach problem for the last five years.

I am planning to use chatGPT to write my CV and to send in my resume.

How could I improve my interview skill?