I (28M) am not physically attracted to this girl (27F) I'm seeing
This is not exactly an arranged marriage situation, but it is slightly. I was introduced to this girl by my relatives (cousin).
We hit it off very well. Have a lot in common from interests, hobbies, to work. She seems like a nice person and has a lot of qualities that i admire in people and a future partner. (Haven't met her ye though). She seems to be quite into me already. I'm not at her cadence at this point.
Here are my issues -
I saw more of her recent photos and i don't think I'm physically attracted to her. Based on others opinion I'm quite convnetionally good looking (I don't want to list my attributes but I hope you get the point) and i am looking for someone with similar looks that makes my heart skip a beat haha.
Next thing I found out is that she's from an insanely wealthy family. Her family is easily 30-40x richer than mine. I have decent well to do lifestyle in a rich neighborhood of a metropolitan city. I never wanted to marry someone from a vastly wealthy family, so this situation kinda makes me nervous. I'm earning enough to afford a good lifestyle for myself, and have a passable personal net worth too. Idk if it's a good idea to date someone from a totally different economic class.
Maybe the wrong sub but just hoping to read some opinions that are not sexist, or stereotyping without evidence.
Thanks for reading. Appreciate your response, if any.