Looking for some shared experiences about deciding whether to go through with surgery, I feel so scared

I’m 20F and I’ve dreamed of a mastopexy or breast lift since I can remember.

My boobs have always been saggy and are the biggest cause of my insecurity. I am incredibly ashamed of them, they kept me from living my teenage years as freely as I would have liked, and caused some problems in my intimate life since I just cannot get over them.

I’ve recently got the news there’s actually a chance I might be able to get mastopexy surgery before the end of the year. It was totally unexpected, and caught me by surprise. I’ve always wanted this, always dreamed of it, but now that’s it’s suddenly getting real, I feel scared.

I’m afraid that since I am so insecure about my breasts, the surgery won’t actually change these negative feelings. I am followed by a therapist, and we have been working really hard about self love and self-esteem. Thing is, I don’t really have any problems with my body EXCEPT for my breasts.

I would like to know if any of you had the same thoughts before getting surgery, if it actually helped with self-esteem and if you have any advice on when to tell when you’re actually ready for such a drastic and personal change.

Sometimes I feel like I’m too young and unready, but also I don’t want to waste my twenties living in a body that causes me so much shame.