gauze stuck INSIDE my wound??
i'm honestly freaking out and looking for some support and direction. i know i need to go to my doctor but i just moved across the country last week and have been doing facetime updates with him but that's it. i don't know my new city very well and don't know where i should go to or what i should do. it's also a long weekend and so the only place i can think to go is the ER.
basically, i've been doing wet-to-dry dressings on an opening under my right breast. from what i've heard on here, it's a very old fashioned way of treating openings, but i think my surgeon is just very old fashioned. anyways, i don't want to disregard his instructions so i've been doing this every day. the other day i saw a white spot inside the wound before putting on the new dressing. i thought it might be gauze and tried to take it out but it wouldn't budge so thought maybe it was puss or something else. today, i'm certain it's gauze and my wound has become so much bigger as well. i took some tweezers to try to dig it out but it would not budge started bleeding a bit and it make me feel dizzy so i had to sit down. it’s rly rly stuck in there and it’s making me feel weird and i’m pretty sure it’s not good to keep it there.
i've attached some pics so y'all can see the progress of it. it didn't hurt digging around in there but i do think i accidentally tried to pull some skin or something cause now it's hurting a bit too. i'm honestly very scared right now and alone in a new place. any advice or even kind words would be appreciated right now.