I dont appreciate my desire for love and intimacy being reduced to a dog chasing a bone

Ive (27m) been more or less attempting to be in the dating scene for the last year after breaking off a 5 and a half year relationship. My experience has been about the same as everyone else's, as in nonexistent. The women I have tried to talk to and ask out haven't given me the time of day, which is totally acceptable. However, my major grievance is the reason why they won't give me the time of day.

Women have it drilled into their brains that men are sex fiend creeps who view women as sex objects. I think its understandable that most people wouldnt want to be in a relationship with someone like that. In this day and age I find it degrading and discrediting to men and the effort men in society have made to change the dynamic between men and women. I do not think of women as sex objects, they are full human beings with dreams, insecurities, thoughts and feelings. I do not expect sex from any woman, regardless of the circumstance. I do not objectify their bodies, for their body has just as much utility and purpose as a mans body. I think the vast majority of men in society would agree with those sentiments. However, women have a different idea of how a mans worldview works, and they do not like being challenged in that ideaology.

I find it prejudice and dehumanizing to say women want this complicated perfect partner that no man can satisfy and men just want to get sucked off. My past relationships consisted of me being the main caregiver with unbalanced effort from the partners end of the relationship. I was a warm body to make them feel loved, they did not love me. I have been damaged from those relationships. Women have ridden off dating because of pain caused in past relationships, like men havent experienced pain from theirs. Im dragging on now but i just do not appreciate the very low outlook women have on me and men in general, I think its not realistic to mens actual feelings, and I think its gotten to the point where I don't want to explore dating with women who think i just want to get my little pecker wet, because i want someone to share my life and be close to, just like you...