R6 players are waaaay to unsupportive of their own teams
Let me explain there have been so so so so so many games I’ve played ranked and standard where let’s say (we went 3-0 just to switch sides and go 3-3 teammates wouldn’t respond to call outs and STRUGGLED to get a kill ended up losing the match) it was still a good game we held our own top 3 on our team going some random dude 6-4 Myself 5-3 and another random 2-6 but why does no one commend a player anymore like are you THAT mad to not even tell your own teammates they did well or what? I’ll see a player with a commendation streak and they’ll play well (not trolling or being dumb) and I’ll give them a valor just to keep their streak up but EVERYONE else has too big of an ego to press 2 buttons super quick to maybe help someone else out. Any thoughts?