A formal apology

I made a post a while ago bitching about pulling Aphidus from a remnant since he wasn't the god tier mythical he could've been. After initially running him in hydra I was please at how well he did but not blown away.

Now that I've been using him regularly I've come to see that he's actually a stellar champion. He does great damage with okay gear (lethal/cruel 6k atk 275 CD) in pve but also pvp and has great utility in his second form with his passive two skills.

I've changed up my live arena team double speed boost and armanz with harima and Aphidus. If the team is tanky I swap form and let harima go to town, if they're squishy his a2 deletes them. If it's a longer battle and my armanz doesnt have enough accuracy, his a1 in second form seals the deal and his a2 keeps my team healthy.

I have seen the error of my ways, and I am sorry