Seeking veteran DM's ideas for personnal ScyFy campaign
First of all, not english native, so sorry if there is mistakes.
So, I'm an old school player, but casual. And on year ago, I try the role of DM with a campaign in dnd5 : Odyssey of the dragonlords.
And I like that role. A lot. Crafting things for my table, adding stuff to the campaign, creating charismatic recurent npc, thinking on how to be a better decriber, push for exploration, creating enygma, ...
But I got an idea stuck in my head for quite some times.
The pitch is pretty simple. It's like a spin off space Quantum Leap (the 1989 old tv series), mix with some Cube (the movie), some time travel, a touch of Doctor Who, a bit of X-Files and some murders to solve.
The players are inside a cubic station. Something with a big AI ruling the base. Parts of it could be reveal over time, new room for stuff. But basicly, this sort of base is like a pocket Universe by itself. maybe. It's the start of all the operation. Could be new entity, clones, maybe character from other dimensions, whatever. Maybe amnesia ?
The idea of each session is like things to solve in time/space. So I can go crazy in each session on the ambiance. Sometimes it's medieval earth, another time it's a star trek like, ... The idea is to open all the possibilities each time.
I would like to connect those things to solve. Could be a time travel agency ? Could be this same AI that goes crazy in the futur ? Could be the players themself that are the bads guys ? I would like a big twist in the long run.
I'm not a big digger on what exist already in the market. So If that kind of pitch trigger something, I'm please to hear about.
Thanks for your reading and any help :)