What is up with Kim and Kroy’s weird, enmeshed relationship?
I’m a first time watcher and I’m currently on S10. Right now I’m at the part where she and Kandi sit down at a restaurant to talk, and Kandi points out that she’s always getting dropped off by Kroy/around Kroy. The editors proceed to show a montage of all the times this season Kim is being driven by Kroy or saying she wants/needs him or whatever. I had noticed these moments throughout the season and just got a super weird vibe from their relationship. Kim’s behavior (pertaining to Kroy) screams enmeshment to me. I haven’t seen her Don’t Be Tardy so I really don’t know much about their relationship (although I know they’re getting divorced now). Does anyone who’s seen DBT have some insight? Why does it seem like Kim is incapable of being separate from Kroy for more than like half an hour?