Its sad that most men allow themselves to be used as human ATMs by women.

Many men actually get a sense of meaning and purpose from being used in this way. Many women aren't even looking for real love and connection with a man, they're looking for a provider. This is why many of them go on dates expecting a man to pay for them, and if he doesn't pay, their "feelings" towards him change. This ofcourse means they never actually liked him as a human being, they were just looking for a human atm.

One of the most important but sad things men need to realise is that most women they get involved with don't actually like and care about them as human beings. This is why it's basically a universal thing that women want men to pay for dates and provide for them. Its because it's not about the man as a human being, it's about his "resources" (money, material things and so on).

This is also why many men are into the idea of a woman submitting to them. I find the idea gross, but I understand it. They feel that since they pay and provide, the least the woman can do is submit to them. It's the only form of power they can have in a relationship. This power dynamic means that most relationships are fake. They're based on money and material things, not genuine care for the other person, and unfortunately most women don't care about a man without some form of payment. This ofcourse means that even if a man pays in whatever form, they still don't care about him. The payment just incentivises the woman to pretend to care. It's not that different from prostitution.