[PubQ] When to query your dream agent?
Hi all - I've tried to post my query here twice but it keeps getting taken down so I thought "Well, maybe I'll just test it out in the marketplace instead" and it worked! I queried 5 agents about a month ago and two have asked to read the full manuscript.
I don't want to mess with something that's working - we could count that as working?? right?? - but I also know you only get one bite at the apple.
I haven't queried my dream agent - if you were in my position, would you query them now using the one that got two requests? Or would you try posting the query again here and seeing how I could strengthen it?
I've queried this agent for two other manuscripts in the past and have never gotten a request to read from her and I want to make a great impression.
Thank you!
EDIT: Query has been posted here - https://www.reddit.com/r/PubTips/comments/1j4j64y/qcrit_contemporary_fiction_the_way_we_are_right/