Dealing with apathetic students
Is anyone teaching core courses having a HUGE problem with apathy this semester?
The students in one of my classes are extremely quiet and disengaged, and it’s unnerving. (I will say I teach a foreign language and I do not lecture, so they have to interact a great deal with me and with one another). At the beginning I thought these awkward moments of silence and lack of participation had to do with the fact that they were shy, but as the semester moved on I realized that could not be just “it.” By then, they had had enough time to become acquainted with me, so the possibility of them disliking me started to cross my mind.
I have talked to some of my colleagues about their experience with this issue and, of course, they have a participation policy, but I’m reluctant to use one because I don’t want for students to feel forced to speak for a grade. We know how things stop losing their charm when they are forced upon us.
When I am in class, I’m usually a very talkative and approachable prof, but smiling in this class has become harder and harder since I’m often bored out of my mind and making these students talk feels like pulling teeth.
I have tried to get to know them individually in order to make in-class activities more appealing, I have spent countless hours in front of the computer creating the most engaging presentations with the latest technology available, but to no avail. I have also changed their partners a million times —which leads me to believe they don’t like each other either since they don’t talk to one another ever. I swear the only thing left for me to do is to light myself on fire and do cartwheels!
I guess I am just venting here since I’m truly at a lost with this group of kids. Hopefully someone can relate and offer some insight.