What did you say that helped in getting your LO paroled?

My baby is up for parole in 2027 and obviously its too early to prepare a parole package and I am not doing that now but I am curious. Especially in Texas. It will be his second time up. He hasn’t asked me to write a support letter and he probably won’t or he will ask when it comes closer to the review period but I was wondering for those that LO got paroled, what did you mention in your letter?

I was thinking of buying a home in Texas far from where he caused trouble as his parents still live there, putting funds in a trust account so he has money until he finds a job, i have a degree in Business and Human Resources so I can use that to my advantage to help with job search, CVs, contacting employers, his family are also well off, upper middle class living in the wealthy parts of Texas so he will have a good home regardless…

So many questions, any girlies, particularly TDCJ know what to do?