Mourn Abilities: First Impression

I feel like I have a lot of feedback on Mourn but I know others are giving that elsewhere so I was hoping to just put my thoughts down about his kit. It's not organized sorry, just played a brawl and a ranked game with him, so first impressions here.

PULL - I really wish his "pull" was something different. I feel like it lacks the utility and consistency of the Riktor pull and just doesn't fit in his kit. Like maybe if it was a "swap places" or like "rubberband" where it pulled Mourn in to the enemy and stunned them to close the gap it would fit better. A gap closing ability (putting Mourn more into the enemy team) would work better with his mesmerize as he uses one enemy to get closer and then pulls everyone else in. As it stands, you pull one in and then can only just mesmerize them, which feels like a waste of the aoe capacity of mesmerize. And Riktor already excels at the 1 enemy isolation kill with his kit. Another, sort of opposite idea, is like a "push" instead that then roots them at the end or something. Feel like this could have utility in helping protect teammates.

Mesmerize - Mesmerize would also feel better as an insta cast fixed range ability to me. Or, like, a timed 1.5 second delay after you press it, it automatically goes off. As is, I would pull someone in then by the time I got up a good amount of charge (cause I want them to be CC'd for longer) they could be gone or saved, like Muriel used her ult to get away at one point. I'm sure I could get better at anticipating but it just feels clunky as a channel. The channeling on the pull in addition really just feels like playing in slow mode. That said, I do feel like if his kit was more built around this ability it could make him a huge menace, and more fun to play. All that said, I'm glad they incorporated a new mechanic in the game, cool stuff.

Heal - His heal seemed alright but I couldn't keep my team up very well. I built mainly heal so maybe need to try some other priorities (CD or health for myself, idk.) Again though, think about if he has a gap closing ability where he gets into their team and spreads his goop on them, could be cool. (I'm thinking some of like Stukov from HOTS)

Ult - His ult seemed great. Also cool to see a new mechanic. I can definitely see the outplay prospects and it was just kinda fun to troll the enemies a bit. I wish there was an icon or indicator that showed when the time was up for it. Felt hard to know when it was over. However, if he's expected to be a close range hero it feels a bit fruitless as a saving ability, maybe more of a set up ability I guess.

What y'all think though? Needs big changes? Small tweaks? Perfect as he is? Genuinely curious here. Diamond player here for transparency sake.