Looking for Streamers with Good Vibes

Title mostly. It's been so boring lately watching the top streamers just moan on and on and on about ranked implementation and skins. Their bad vibes also clearly affects their gameplay because I've definitely seen a noted skill diff.

Shoutout to ImWangle, KevKaioken, Deviatingg, and LitaGames for having consistently positive streams (+ for JYT and his YT videos...I just never see him stream). Wondering if there are others in the community who I should check out?

Bonus Feedback Nobody Asked For:

To strimmers who've been playing for 18 months:

  • We get it. That's a long time to get to where we are now. But if you look at my previous post, you'll see 15 bullets detailing some minor and massive changes to the game in only the past 3 months.
  • "You've had 18 months to implement ranked and you only give us 8 hours" is just a disingenuous statement to make. Omeda allowed you to play the game for 15 months in Early Access to help test their game and be a part of the development process by giving early feedback.
  • Open Beta (3/24/24) is when the new review cycle should start. Rate them on how they've done since then. There are some valid critiques on shop prices and balance after v18, but tbh, the balance is still way better than what should have been expected after such a huge game-changing update. Anyone who expected the same amount of balance as before v18 kinda let yourself down tbh.

To Omeda Studios, especially the devs who seem to be the ones getting the most flack (which has always been ridiculous because they don't make game decisions typically):

  • Try to tune out the vocal minority. I know it's hard when you may hear a streamer with 250+ viewers just shit on the game that you've worked so hard on...but they don't represent the majority of us who love your game and want to give you time to cook (which to me has only been 3 months :-) )
  • Actual feedback if you care:
    • Shop prices...common man. Just. Please. Shoutout to u/mattman1995 for his recent post on a more gamer friendly shop economy. I would instantly drop $200 on the largest platinum pack if the economy was how he described.
      • Plus, at this point, wouldn't number of transactions/user mean more than total revenue? You have people that want to give you money. Once they start giving a few bucks, their stickiness to the game increases and the odds of them buying more in the future also increase. Please let us give you money without feeling cheated. K thx.
    • Roadmap...I've been working in software dev as a PM/PO/PgM for 10+ years. I get it. Under promise, over deliver. However, I think the community would benefit from more comms around expected windows for certain things to drop.
      • i.e. Ranked coming out earlier than expected is great! But, nobody is going to be happy with 1 day a week for 8 hours for any significant period of time. Are you planning on this lasting a few weeks or a few months? Will you slowly expand the duration/days after just the first week? Maybe give an explanation for why you are introducing ranked this way and what you are going to do with the 8 hours of live gameplay data? Setting the right expectations now builds trust with the community. People naturally will fill a void in communication with their own (usually incorrect) ideas, and that is something you can't blame them for.

To the rest of the community:

  • Please don't read this and think I'm asking you to not give your criticism or feedback to Omeda. During Beta (and EA) is the best time to do so.
  • In the same vein, be patient. A small studio has to make a ton of difficult decisions to juggle competing priorities. The thing you want most, may just not be a high priority to them right now (or could even be a technical impossibility at this point). That's just development in a nutshell. Everyone can't be satisfied.
  • Where the shitposting at? This game is in a 100x better state than Paragon ever was but we dealt with the bad game state and poor future outlook in r/paragon with top tier shitposting. Miss them bobbybojangles Iggy clips fr.

Anywho, I digressed a ton from the OG question of the post. Please comment you favorite #goodvibesonly streamers and also tell me how shit my takes are.