What's a Character that EVERYONE over hypes and Thinks is strong but is actually pretty fodder

i don't mean lile Alien X,Goku or Yhwach where it's only that specific fandom that will overrate or overhype i mean EVERYONE like All fandoms in GENERAL

for me that's EVERY toon force user out there

people will die on the hill that Toon Force users solo SCP or some shit like that because "Toon Force Can't be measured" ummm yes tf it can it's measured via the Feats of the user and there are different layers and levels of Toon Force just like there are to infinity

i've seen people say that Popeye will unirobicallt Solos Comp DC,Marvel,Ben 10,Anime and Sun Wukong himself

despite popeye showing Universal to possibly multiversal feats and don't get me STARTED on the "He beat up his authors bro"

no he didn't he beat up a fictional representation of his authors that is still controlled by the fictional narrative of Said Authors if they were beaten up how come they have never reported popeye for assult?

same people will argue that Deadpool Beats Goku because he killed his authors

yet those authors are still alive

it's all a fictional narrative manipulated by the authors it's ANYTIME a character "Kill" or "Beats up" his author

i once got into an arguement with a myx fanboy and he stated that Myx has been in the real world and can just come out and kill Ben 10's Authors in,the studio

no honey,that's not how that works it's a fictional narrative representation of The Real world

same with Uncle Grandpa fanboys

"He survived the purge bro"

yeah? atill doesn't make his fodder feats above Low Complex at best and to top it off calling him the most powerful CN character is laughable because his entire verse got one tapped by Strike in crossover nexus(Which is confirmed canon) btw

anyways rant over give me your answers