Be honest with yourself, do you really think Post will return to the hiphop sound?
I know a lot of fans feel alienated due to the guitar heavy pop record that is AUSTIN, and the upcoming country era; but I also see a number of fans who really hold on to the hope of him returning to the sound of the first 3 albums.
Personally, I don’t think he will return to the older sound. I think his artistic and personal goals are pushing him into a direction that will end up framing him more as a singer/songwriter (we already saw this with the last album).
It also just seems like he’s grown to be in a place where he just doesn’t get the same satisfaction with the sound anymore. Going off of Post’s words, AUSTIN was his truest album to date, and I think it shows. However, there’s no denying that there is a desire among some fans for him to return to the sound that made him famous. Personally, I’m okay with him doing whatever. AUSTIN was my favorite record to date, as it is basically an amalgamation of my favorite elements in music.
I will say though, country isn’t my favorite or most desired genre for Post to do, but I’m here for the ride. I’m a fan of Post as an artist, not necessarily the individual albums. If it makes him happy, I’m good with that.
I’m curious what you guys think of this.