Cayman 981 for my first car
I know there is probably a million threads about this already, so apologies but I really would like my own thread to refer to.
I am looking at a 2014/15 cayman 981 for my first car. I make 100k year (marketing business), live in the UK if that matters. I am 20.
What is your take on this? The affordability is there, I just want your guys opinion who may own them if you think this is going to be a good option for a first car or not? I was looking at a non-sporty hatchback 1.2-1.6L but looking at insurance prices for the 981, it's not too much more.
Thanks for all of your responses, they have all been very helpful. I am looking at financing the car, so I'll be able to save still 65/70%+ of income monthly. I've been saving 80%+ upto this point, I could buy the 2014/15 outright, but I don't want to do that. The financing means I'll be able to continue adding to my savings/investments nicely, still have the cash as a safety net and enjoy the car.
My issue is that upto this point (and still), I have been living in a scarcity mindset and saving everything, spending very little on wants (unless I can business expense it). I need to get out of it, I've always wanted a sports car. Live at home with parents still, don't need to move anywhere anytime soon as I just converted the garage into an office/mancave.
I just need to get out of this awful scarcity mindset of just hoarding money lol. I know it sounds stupid. I want the car, but then a couple hours later I always ask myself 'what if'. I think I just need to go in the deep end, get it and enjoy it lol. The scarcity mindset comes from 'what if my income goes to 0 overnight?' 'What if something awful happens' But the answer to that is the cash reserves that I currently have and I can build back up again. Idk, I'm just addicted to hoarding it and not spending it. Sorry for ranting, not trying to flex or anyhing, just trying to convince myself to get this beauty