Political Science Studies or specialist in another field?
So, I am about to start my Master’s and find the field super difficult to assess. The political science graduate labor market also seems pretty little talked about and I have experienced a lot of gatekeeping. Especially, around what qualifications and educational backgrounds are valued.
To my question: I am wondering if it is better to get a more ‚classic‘ political education (eg. public admin, european studies & policy, international affairs) or to get really proficient in a separate field and be able to still join a political/public sector role (e.g. learn about environmental science). What is your experience? How can one break into that world?
As to my background, I did my Bachelor‘s in business & economics. Took some public economics classes & international management. Now I would like to break a bit more into a public field. I am super interested in environmental policy, social policy and cultural change. I also love history, economics (not so much the math part) and I like project management. I am also open to doing two Master‘s.