How effective have right-wing efforts to portray the left as broadly anti-semitic been in the wake of the Oct 7th terror attack by Hamas?
After the Oct 7th attack by the terrorist group Hamas there has been rising criticism of the Israeli government's response during its subsequent invasion, mass bombing of Gaza, and its treatment of Palestinians it has detained or displaced during that invasion.
Defenders of Netanyahu's right-wing Israeli government have among other tactics attempted to portray its critics as anti-semitic, a stance picked up by the American right-wing as well. Traditionally the American right has harbored some of the most vocal anti-semitic groups such as the KKK and neo-nazi groups. Congressional hearings recently were held regarding college administrators response to anti-semitism and campus protests.
Critics of the Israeli government's response have pushed back by pointing out the many Jewish members of their movement, including Bernie Sanders.
How warranted are the accusations of anti-semitism?
How effective have the accusations of anti-semitism been?