Social Security is Horrifically Unfair to Younger Generations
EDIT: Putting this as the top since most didn't seem to finish reading - I'm calling for a mentality shift where we need to recognize SS for the ponzi scheme that it is and make intergenerational transfers less extreme. To be clear, my solution in large part is "Go after the rich from older cohorts and make them pay for the promises their generation made to themselves", not "Get rid of SS/reduce benefits dramatically"
People claim that we can't reduce Social Security and other entitlement programs because "we" made those promises and we can't reneg on them.
In reality, older generations promised THEMSELVES large amounts of retirement benefits and never accounted for it. This was fine when they had 5 children each and the economy was growing so fast that the benefits they promised THEMSELVES was dwarfed by future prosperity. We are not in a constant state of growth either in population or in productivity, and it is catching up to us that the promises made cannot be paid without a massive shift in either benefits (spending) or taxes (revenue).
Social security is, in fact, a ponzi scheme. There are massive liabilities being generated and not accounted for, and later generations are forced to pay them because earlier generations either naively or complicitly refused to account for and balance future liabilities with revenue.
Younger generations should push back harder and demand from our politicians that the older generation pay for the promises they made to themselves. Benefits should probably be reduced, but we should also be going after the wealth that was accumulated by the powerful within those cohorts in order to pay for these unfunded liabilities.