Looking for picture offering below

Level 50 day 1 player. Plenty of other shinies as wdll as non shiny costumes and pretty much any pokemon in the dex. Some are on my alt account and labeled as such, these will require a multi trade. I'm ok with these but I absolutely will not trade first. I've been scammed twice most recently yesterday and have screenshots proving I can be trusted to follow through from when I got scammed and refuse to let my kindness be taken advantage again. Let me know if you're interested in what I have and we can work out a trade.

Level 50 day 1 player. Plenty of other shinies as wdll as non shiny costumes and pretty much any pokemon in the dex. Some are on my alt account and labeled as such, these will require a multi trade. I'm ok with these but I absolutely will not trade first. I've been scammed twice most recently yesterday and have screenshots proving I can be trusted to follow through from when I got scammed and refuse to let my kindness be taken advantage again. Let me know if you're interested in what I have and we can work out a trade.