why is it so hard to date

hello everyone, I’m just so confused on why it’s so fucking hard to date or to have anyone for that matter have any interest in me besides sex. I’m on all the dating apps and the amount of times I’ve had men hit me up to just “meet up” and “fuck” is beyond me. It makes me feel gross. I know people say don’t date online then, try to meet someone organically. Again, it’s so hard because I’m fat and it seems like everyone hates fat women and think we aren’t worthy as partners but just someone to sleep around with. I’m 24 and I have never been in a relationship before. I’m inexperienced in all aspects and I don’t know… I mean I love being single. Being independent and working on myself. Establishing my goals and learning about myself. I truly do enjoy it. So as much as I try to remind myself that I’m so young and that I have so much more time to meet someone, be in relationships, and experience dating, it just sucks feeling that you are unwanted in a romantic way because of what you look like. It’s getting to that point where I’m tired of getting my fill of relationships by reading about it or daydreaming about it LOL. Advice and reassurance would be very much appreciated.