Important things you should know about offline activations
With all the hype around the recent news from dodi, here's some info for those considering offline activation:
*Windows updates can cause the activation to fail so leave it off until you're done with the game.
*Remember to switch your AV off before setting up the game.
*changing internal parts like the amount of ram, processor and changing your drive from one to another can cause the activation to fail.
*Using task manager to end the game can cause it the activation to fail.
*Always launch the game via steam offline and not directly via the exe.
*If there is more than 1 game in the account, perform the activation steps for all games before switching to offline. Doing it only for 1 game and not the other won't let the unactivated game launch.
*You can have more than 1 offline activation as long as they're in separate folders.
*If you have have 2 offline activations and opening steam from either folder causes only one account to open, open task manager and end steam as well as steam offline from running in the background then open the desired games steam offline (this was a personal experience, if anyone knows more about this issue please add on any tips to avoid this.)
*You can mod the game as long as the exe is not messed with.
*Updating video drivers, cleaning your computer as long as componentd arent changed, and adding external drives will not cause the activation to fail.
This isn't a comprehensive guide but I hope other redditors can add to this so that everyone can have the best gaming experience possible