Office 2019 KMS_VL_ALL activation no longer working?
I activated Office 2019 using the instructions found on r/piracy page "Office 2019 Retail Direct DL Links", using the C2R-R2V-AIO and KMS_VL_ALL_AIO tools. That worked great for about a month, now when I open an office program I have a "Action Needed your license isn't genuine, and you may be a victim of software counterfeiting..." message. I spent a huge amount of time customizing my Outlook install to fit my workflow, I would hate to have to uninstall and reinstall. Any advise on how to fix this? Thank you.
I should note that even though I get the non-genuine message, Office still says "product activated" in the product information system...which is a bit contradictory.
Also, when I run "check activation status" in KMS-VL_ALL it reads "The Software Licensing Service reported that the product was activated but the owner should verify the Product Use Rights".
I originally used KMS_VL_ALL_AIO-38f which worked fine up until today.
I have since tried MAS_1.4 and then KMS_VL_ALL_AIO-41r, both of which run and report success, however I still get the "Action Needed your license isn't genuine" banner across the top of my Office programs.
Here is a screenshot of the nag warning and also the product activated screen:
So I have been a lot of digging around. A site by the person behind KMS_VL_ALL makes mentioned of this issue that has started occurring from a Feb 2021 update:
"'Get genuine Office' notification banner
Office Click-to-Run builds (since February 2021) that are activated with KMS checks the existence of the KMS server name in the registry.
If KMS server is not present, a banner is shown in Office programs notifying that "Office isn't licensed properly", see here.
Starting version 41f, for manual activation or complete uninstall option, KeyManagementServiceName value containing a non-existent IP address will be kept in the below registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
Be assured that it's perfectly fine to keep these registry keys, and it will not affect Windows or Office activation."
So it looks like MAS hasn't been updated since August 2020 and the most recent update to KMS_VL_ALL was just released 5 days ago with an addition it makes to the registry to try to resolve this issue...which has yet to work for me. Considering these are the 2 main methods for activating office 2019 I'm surprised more people are not posting about this issue. If anyone else runs into this, can you please post a "me too" in the comments below so I know I'm not the only one, thanks.
I've noticed something that may help people smarter than me solve this problem. If I go to File > Account in any office app and logout, the non-genuine banner goes away...until I close and open an office app then it is back. Also After uninstalling license/keys and then reinstalling KMS_VL_ALL, if logged out of office account, the non-genuine banner is not present on first launch, it does show up on the second launch of any office app. Perhaps office performs some sort of check after first launch.
Credit to u/commonsense34
Go to File/Account/Manage Settings and untick "Enable Optional Connected experiences".
License authenticator is seemingly an online feature now.
PS: Unfortunately, if you use the Office 2019 version of OneNote than OneNote will stop syncing once you turn off connected experiences. Also note that turning off connected experiences for any one Office 2019 app turns it off for all of them (they all share that same setting). So if you use this fix Office 2019 OneNote will stop working but you can download the free OneNote app from the Windows 10 store which will work because it doesn't share the same setting as the Office 2019 suite.
A couple months later, now some people are still getting the banner even after disabling the connected experiences. Though, IT DOES WORK for most people so still try that first.
There are a few really smart people working on this on some other forums and I think there might be a real solution soon. If you found something that works please mention it below.
u/jimshu1 has found a solution (changing some reg keys) that works for their setup. Please see u/jimshu1 comment below for info and link to a site with other potential solutions. If that solution, or any other solution, works for you please reply to that comment to help others.
If that doesn't work for you, u/megahambone commented on how to roll back to previous version of office and also lists a table of office versions you may role back to that are known to not have the nag banner.