Can anyone remind me that scale isn’t the most important thing?

I’m 5’ tall and about 152 pounds right now. Last July, I weighed 172. I hit 152 right before Thanksgiving (November) and now I’m just stuck. I know that it’s because the holidays broke some good habits that I had gained. I’m still tracking my meals but I’m definitely not as diligent and it’s been hard staying away from treats.

I thought I had reined in my eating and I added in 4-5 HIIT classes a week. And I’m still just at 152 pounds. Stuck stuck stuck.

I know I could clean up my eating but I’m just soooo hungry after working out.

While I’m working on my diet, could someone remind me that the scale doesn’t show everything? That I’m probably growing muscle? Am I? I’m seeing strength and speed gains - that’s important too, right? Stupid scale.