People who don't pick up on the 'I'm done talking' cues
I'm not talking about autistic people at all. I'm talking about extroverts who, after you've said your last reply to end the conversation and started the step away, will follow you to continue the conversation. Or will ignore the subtle 'uh-huh' when they've been prattling on about something. Or when you say 'Ive gotta go' and they try to squeeze in another wholeass conversation. Just stop bro
Edit: I said I'm not talking about autistic people because I didn't want people to think I was obtuse or singling autistic people out for this behaviour. Whether the person in question is autistic or not isn't the point, nor is it my business. I just know autistic people can miss social cues and I wanted to clarify I wasn't singling y'all out.