People who think not being able to pronounce words correctly is cute.
Just what it says. Obviously this doesn't apply to people who actually have a hard time pronouncing certain words or who have a lisp. I have a couple people in my life who think not pronouncing some words properly is somehow cute or quirky or makes them unique? It's so strange. And it's not just the first time they try to pronounce it, you can take them through a word syllable by syllable but they refuse to actually learn and put it all together. Just a "hehe I just don't know how to say that one right!😂 Silly me🤪" 😐
Some annoyances from one of these people I have to deal with daily.
Muscles --> Muss - kulls
Yogurt --> Yo-grit
Like --> Yike (said like a baby when trying to act "cute")
Elephant --> Eff -ell - ant
And so on. Usually paired with a little giggle and "ugh i just can never say that word right 🤪" if it was just one or two words then whatever but man eventually it just gets to a point😭