When I'm on the crosswalk, allowed to cross, and someone decides to drive RIGHT AS IM ON THE CROSSWALK.
Like mf, do you NOT see me walking across the crosswalk? What drives your mind to think, "OH, IMMA CROSS WHEN THIS PERSON'S ON THE CROSSWALK"
Like if the person wasn't near you, ok. I get why they would cross if the persons on the other side. But JUST BECAUSE you have the right-of-way, does not mean you can just cross whenever you feel like it, especially if people are ON the crosswalk. HELL, the state I live in has law REQUIRE people to yield for pedestrians on the crosswalk, but apparently NOBODY has been stopped.
I've had one mf who honked their horn at me when I was on the crosswalk (WHILE IT ALLOWED ME TO CROSS), which about pissed me off, bc mf... you can get in trouble for that yknow.