How spent 8hrs building my first pc.

So most pc building tutorials and tips don't tell you who to actually finish building a pc. Like the fact that you need a flash drive to boot your pc. It was my first time building a pc. I couldn't find any videos online with the same pc case so it was a little difficult for me. I also plugged the +,- and +- panels, to the wrong side of the motherboard which looked exactly alike. I had problem screwing the fan on the cpu because, I didn't know I needed the thing that supports the fan to the motherboard. And after doing everything, 2 of my fans won't start , so I had to watch 5 videos over and over again to realize that I need to connect power to the fans and how to actually do it. After all that, the fans finally started but I found out that I needed a flash drive and buy windows and download windows from another pc. I wish pc tutorials will add all this to make it easier for first pc builders. But I guess I have gained more knowledge in 8hrs than most pre-built buyers.