Norra's Tea Freezing Game on First Round [Solution]

I've unfortunately had this interaction cost me many games since the last patch. It happened again earlier today, and while I was staring at the frozen screen I had the idea to use the firewall/disconnect bug that allowed people to skip the combat phase in BattleGrounds, and it worked a charm. I disconnected and reconnected, the minion was summoned, and everything was back to normal.

For those that don't know how to set up the disconnect rule, you can find the steps in this website. At step 5, when you choose a program path, go to (Drive):\Riot Games\LoR\live\Game\LoR.exe (or wherever you have saved the LoR.exe).

After that, it is just as simple are allowing and blocking the rule in the Windows Defender Firewall. Given that PoC is PvE, and that you do not gain any advantages from dis-/re-connecting to the client, I do not believe this is an exploit.

Hopefully, this help a couple of people who have struggled with this issue (if this has been solved before, apologies for taking your time). Cheers.