Exam in 2 weeks, am I ready?

My exam is in 2 weeks and I’ve been using bootcamp for majority of the studying. I have finished almost all of the case studies and finished all of the standalone questions with just the readiness exams to take. I also have Kaplan and have 2 CAT exams to take. Besides doing the practice exams, should I be worrying about focusing more on content or start watching videos on test taking strategies until my exam. I have been planning to watch all of mark k lectures as well.

My mind right now is stuck on trying to know all the content that bootcamp has and understanding every rationale in hopes that I will feel confident in answering questions on diseases or illnesses that I’ve reviewed on bootcamp along with applying test taking strategies from mark k.

I’ve been extremely worried lately and wanting to exhaust all the resources I can before the test.

Thanks in advance.