It’s official my license just posted this morning. I wish I could tell you advise on how to pass the Nclex but the truth is I didn’t start studying till 4 days before my exam. I listened to all the mark k lectures and did maybe did 30-40 question each of those days. I didn’t even really pay attention to the rationales. What I can tell you is to pray and stay calm and speak positivity into yourself instead of doubt. You can do all things through Christ and he is only reason why I passed.

On the day of my NCLEX my car battery died and instead of freaking out I was calm which is so weird is unlike me. Doom scrolling down this forum did not help with my testing anxiety especially since I know I did not prepare the way I should have. UNPOPULAR opinion I don’t think you should study for the nclex all those topics I harped on in my cram session were not even on my exam. YOU GOT THIS, you passed nursing school for a reason it wasn’t fluke. Stop doubting yourself and your abilities. Good luck 🍀