When did you stop cosleeping?

Wondering when you did or when we should or if it’s totally ok? Having anxiety because my therapist pretty much shunned me about it and now I feel like a bad parent.

My son is almost 5 and we still help him go to sleep at night. We read books, talk about day, and then help him fall asleep. Once he falls asleep we leave and he wakes up during the night (sometimes to use the bathroom or for us to come back) and we sleep the rest of the night with him.

My issue is my therapist told me we shouldn’t be doing that at all and it will create anxiety for the rest of his life. Also that developmentally he should be able to do it on his own without him.

That makes me sad because I feel like a bad parent. But also I slept with my mom until I was like almost 8…. We also love doing bedtime with him and helping him in the middle of the night too.

What do you all think?