Would you hire someone in their 30’s to babysit?

I feel like childcare is mostly done by teens and people in their early 20’s. The babysitter we have for my 3 year old is 23 which feels more typical. But I was thinking of joining one of those sitter sites to see if I could pick up the occasional sitting job. Is that weird for a mom to do? I’m a pediatric therapist, I have my masters and am board certified and all that. I want to fund some more classes to become a sleep specialist as well, and although I could make a lot more picking up more clients I’m just too burnt out on that to carry a higher caseload. Childhood development and play therapy are my niche, and it’d be nice to make some cash to support my goals in a low stress way. But I’m a little embarrassed by the idea and don’t know how well I’d be received.