Has anyone felt/heard electricity before?

During my childhood and late teens I apparently experienced eletricity different from others.

In school, whenever we were gonna watch TV (Mid 2000s), I could tell before I went in to the classroom (20-30 meters away) that we were gonna watch TV. It's like a static noise/feeling, it's hard to describe. I could stand at the end of the hallway and tell my friends "Niiiice, we are gonna watch Tv today!!". Their response were always "How do you know?"!

I explained to them about the static noise and they looked at me as if i was stupid.

I could also hear what i can only describe as "eletrical currents" travel through rooms. It's the same noise as the TV. The difference is that it feels alive. I could sit somewhere and feel it come in to the room, the closer it got to me the higher the static sound/feeling would get. And after a while it would get out of the room. It is almost as if it was "walking" around the room. I know it sounds freaking weird.

One time it was really scary. I had gone to bed one night, I laid with my face against the wall. A couple of minutes later, I felt this "electricity" come in to my room, I felt how it came closer and closer to my bedside. The elctricity became stronger and stronger, I realised that this thing or whatever was leaning down towards me (inches away from me).

I had to squint my eyes because the static sound/feeling from it was really strong and cause i was afraid. About 5 minutes later it slowly disappeared out from the room.

Anyways, in my 20s it disappeared. I am still sensitive to other sounds, usually nobody else can hear them. Which makes me feel crazy sometimes lol.