Suggestion Forum??
I’ve been wondering if there’s any sort of like form that players can fill out, or any way to kind of suggest gameplay improvements to the Singularity6 team for Palia?
One thing that sometimes just drives me nuts is the fact that I can’t access my Storage when I would want to.
For example, let’s say a character is really wanting a specific bug as a gift, and I KNOW I have it in my storage, but I have to go allll the way back home to go get it from my Storage. I wish I was able to just pull up my storage when I’m not at home and grab things from it.
Another thing is when I’m at home and I wanna cook, Ive noticed I can’t pull from my storage for that either, even though I’m home. I have to manually grab it.
The only thing that allows me to pull from both Inventory and Storage is crafting.
Maybe it’s just me being lazy, but I feel like this would be something useful to update in future patches!
What do you guys think??