Am I just weird?
So I often really freak doctors and nurses out when my HR is 150+ upon standing when the resting was 70bpm and I can’t feel the difference… but the really weird thing is is when I’m anxious in a shopping centre I feel a bit of a fast HR but I check it and it might be around 120-130bpm and if I have a panic attacks it’s completely different again it’s to do with my breathing. Everytime I stand my HR goes from 65/70 laying down/ 80/95 sitting to 130-155 standing and if I have a shower that’s a little to hot my HR is 175 or sometimes higher when I come out I still can’t feel it… I know it’s high though because I see the little stars. Am I just weird? Does this happen for other people? I’m just constantly asked by the professionals “you really can’t feel that?” I just feel kinda crazy because I really can’t..