Dr. Appointment: Assessment Referral
Today I met with a doctor to ask for a referral for an assessment for OCD (and ADHD.) I was feeling pretty anxious about the appointment, doctors make me nervous, it wasn’t my family doctor, and I was also anxious about getting a referral/ assessment because last time I had an mental health assessment it was over the phone and all that came out of was they told me I have anxiety, which I obviously know about.
Anyway during my appointment today, I felt like I struggled to answer the questions about symptoms, because I worry I don’t actually have ODC (or ADHD, and I am making it all up), and I struggled to articulate and remember to list all the symptoms I do have.
I also mentioned how I think about hurting people, because I was too afraid to say that I worry I am a Pdphile, especially since I work with kids/youth. I didn’t even think to say I worry I am a terrible person.
TDLR: I worry I won’t get a referral for a mental health assessment, or that I skewed the referral/assessment because I struggled to articulate/list all my symptoms/concerns.