LED Blinking Issue in TIA Portal

Hello everyone,

I am working on a TIA Portal program to make a LED blink twice repeatedly when the START button is pressed. I have implemented 3 networks, described below:

  1. Network-1
    • Contains a simple holding circuit (NO in parallel with the START input).
    • The address M0.2 (Timer supply) powers the next network.
  2. Network-2
    • Uses M0.2 as a power source for two timers connected in parallel:
      • TP (Timer Pulse): Set to 2 seconds to keep M0.5 (LED) active for this duration.
      • TON: Controlled by a NC of M0.5 (LED), used to reset the timers.
    • The TON output (M0.4) resets both TP and TON, creating the blinking effect.
  3. Network-3
    • A counter increments with each blink.
    • The counter is preset to 2 to stop blinking after 2 repetitions.

My issue: The program works as expected for the first START press, making the LED blink twice. However, when I press START a second time, the blinking does not occur again. Did I miss something? I want the LED to blink twice and stop every time I press the START button.

Thank you in advance for your help!
