We need to talk about gut health, hirsutism and PCOS.

Edit: Not sure why so many people are taking my choices so personally. I am only posting this because the topics of gut health and lowering exposure to endocrine disruptors are not as often discussed as a holistic approach to PCOS. If you don't want to follow what I've done, okay? But don't try and discredit what I've achieved because yuu don't want to take personal accountability for the chemicals you interact with.

I have had more results in the last 3 months than I have ever had on any medication. I started fermenting my own foods, eliminated inorganic groceries, processed foods and stopped using soaps, fibers and household chemicals that include endocrine disruptors. I also switched from teflon and silicone cookware to cast iron and teak wood.

Here are the things I am doing: 16oz Anthony's organic spearmint tea in the morning with 2g of Ovasitol

1hr Swim or yoga interchanged every day. Hiking when weather permits. Helps lower cortisol

Only cultured dairy with active probiotics

Cook everything in butter

Only carbs come from fruit, veg, brown rice, whole wheat or brown rice pasta or sourdough. Noodles and rice are cooked and then cooled to turn it into resistant starch.

Akkermansia supplements. Help with GLP-1 activation like ozempic.

No longer doing intermittent fasting.

Overall, I have gained weight from 180 to 190lbs, BUT my clothes fit better and my hirsutism is beginning to fade naturally and slow dramatically.