I’m finally getting some answers
I’ve had irregular , heavy and painful periods for years, as well as hirsutism. I always suspected PCOS and simply kept going cause I didn’t have a dr and couldn’t do anything . 2 years ago I found a PA who asked me if I thought I might have it but obviously she couldn’t look into it so we dropped it . Last Jan I had one of the heaviest periods ever that left me exhausted for more than a month after . After bloodwork showed I was anemic I started taking iron and things went back to as normal as could be for me personally . My periods were still 6-8 weeks apart but not as heavy. Fat forward to November and I started spotting 3 weeks after my last period, I spotted every day for a month and then stopped for a week . Then I had another period which was so heavy I had to period diapers for most of it and felt like all I had to do was move and I flowed more . I had clots multiple days in a row and one that was easily the size of a 50 cent piece maybe a little bigger . It was so nasty I couldn’t even look at it . Fast forward to Jan 6 and I finally was able to see a gynecologist who said I have at least 2 of 3 symptoms of PCOS . She ordered labs , an ultrasound and did a bimanual exam but didn’t find anything when she did it . She also suggested this could be endemetriosis . She also told me that the stabbing pain I had 4 yrs ago ( that thankfully only lasted about 30 mins) was likely a cyst bursting that had formed around an unreleased egg . She was however unable to do a PAP because I have vaginismus and need pelvic floor therapy for it . I may not have a diagnosis yet but I feel like I’m getting somewhere after yrs ago.
Any advice about what else I can do is greatly appreciated .