Possible PCOS and high ovarian volume - worried!

Can someone please tell me if these results are concerning? I had an US done 6 weeks ago, and all it showed was a simple cyst and a complex cyst on my left ovary. Today I went in for another ultrasound and the 2 cysts appear to be gone but now I have possible PCOS on my left ovary and an a high ovarian volume? Is this a cause for concern or even possible to develop PCOS in 6 weeks? My ovarian volume is usually around 8ML in the past and I’ve never had PCOS called out on an US before and have had many. I won’t hear from my dr until next week and am worried and confused. Any advice I appreciated! Thank you!

Report reads: Numerous, somewhat peripherally oriented follicles and ovarian volume great than 10cc, which can be seen in PCOS

LEFT ovary: 3.88cm x 3.14cm x 2.33cm Vol ML: 14.86