Increase of toxicity since OW2
I am really sad, since OW2 I experienced so much more toxicity in the game.
In just one day I had more toxic players in my chat than in my whole OW1 Era..
Don't be a toxic asshole and let's keep our game as fun, nice and sane as possible.
Real life is mean and bad enough. Let's enjoy our hobbies and show people love and kindness when the world is riddled with conflicts, wars and one crisis after another.
I wish everyone a good match at the start of the game.
Let's have fun again. :-)
TLTR: Stop being toxic in chat.
EDIT: Some of the comments in this thread perfectly show what I mean with increase of toxicity. People seem to feel really attacked by reading someone trying to be positive or make things more enjoyable for everyone without being a dick..
EDIT 2: Since there are way too many comments now to answer or react:
I am not a bad player. Also why not helping them with advice to progress instead of being a dick and make people feel down? You always have the choice not to be a dick.
When I started playing OW1 I wasn't doing good but got solid advice during a game and you know what? Those little kind advices helped us win the game at the end.
You always have the choice to be the kind one.