Playing Tank as a D.VA Main

I don’t know when it started, I don’t know how long it’s been happening for but playing Tank has turned into competitive rock-paper-scissors.

This may not be a new opinion, but I’ve yet to really see people ‘dive’ into the perspective of a D.VA player. I’m a Gold Tank Main who recently started playing competitive within the last few seasons (Playing D.VA, Winton, Doom). Every match comes down to a fun starting fight, then enemy tank switches to Zarya and I’m either tasked with playing while handicapped or switching. If you choose to stick to the slightly tilted matchup, you WILL get targeted by teammates in chat educating you on why you’re the problem.

Tank being the biggest physical target in the fight is also the biggest target for criticism and that’s never going to change. It’s a level of frustration that I think everyone feels because nobody wants to be the one who ruined the game by not playing into counters. It’s just legitimately tiring to know that any loss is always going to be your fault.

I genuinely am not sure what the solution is and would be interested to hear from other tank mains on what character the enemy switches too for you (probably Orisa). I don’t mean for this to be negative but it would help to broaden my perspective by hearing from others who have been playing longer.