OC species thymee!!

Basically I made a new species/character for an art competition (Bagel) and loved it so much I ended up making my own character from it (Pizza) so I wanna show em off and explain what they are :3

They're called MUGGYs

Basically anthropomorphic pink mice aliens

They secrete that goop from their little nubby tails and can telekinetically control the goop with that tail!

The goop itself is rubbery and edible. With no nutritional value all it does is heighten the emotions of the consumer.

That's kinda all I have on them right now unfortunately, if you have any ideas for the species PLEASE feel free to comment it, I'd love to hear any ideas!! :3

(Also this isn't like closed species or anything cuz that's dumb so feel free to make your own muggy if you wanna) :3