My dachshund destroys my home
(Sorry for my poor English, I am Dutch).
I am really desperate! Finn (11 months) is extremely destructive when i leave the house. I have a crate but crate training was extremely difficult and neighbors started to complain because of the barking... So the crate is now always open.
From the start I trained Finn (and the other dogs) to be home alone for a max of 3 hours. I did this really slow, so I started with 1 minute, 5 minute, then 10 etc. The other doys are fine, except finn. I have a camera and the minute I leave Finn starts to pace around and looks for stuff to destroy. I remove most of the things (thinking there is nothing left, but Finn always find something to destroy). I leave toys for him, but he never touches those....
I walk them a lot, they play braingames and they get a chewingbone for 1 hour per day. There is a dogsitter on the days (2) when I go to the office, and they are never alone for more than 3hours.
I do not know what else I should do? What should I do different? I asked different dogtrainers. One said I should start crate training again, the other said I should absolutly not start crate training again (it will deepen his seperation anxiety). I am lost...
Finn destroyed my work laptop that was on the middle of the table... He used the charger to pull the laptop of the table and ate some of the letters.... i am really scared he will hurt him self. What should I do??? Should i start crate training again? Or give him a muzzle when I leave, so he cannot destroy anything?? I am really desperate.