Failed my test because of dangerous move
I failed my G2 test due to a silly mistake. I wanna share exactly what happened.
Everything went smoothly, I was going to pass my test and we were reaching the end destination where I was to take a right turn in a plaza and park my car in one of the slots.
What happened before that right turn was in the plaza, someone on the opposite lane (2 lane way) facing forward was reversing very slowly (almost stationary) and turning towards me direction to park in one of the slots.
I acknowledged the car and thought "since I have the right of way, I should continue in my lane and he will stop for me"
As soon as we passed the car, my driving instructor says "That was a dangerous move. He was reversing, you should've stopped or taken from the left (taking from the left is confusing because there was an island between us and no where to pass him from the left)" so he failed me.
I went home thinking about how this was absolutely silly of me to fail the test because of this and that I didn't even know I had to yeild to car who's in the opposite lane.
Anyways, I asked a few of my friends who have 3-4 stars G license and they all said this situation is weird and that I most probably had the right of way.
So I wanna confirm this and ask you guys if I had the right of way or not.