Is anyone else frustrated with KBAI this semester
I signed up for this class as my second course after getting an A in ML4T. The quality of the course is night and day comparatively. First the lectures. The lectures in this class are completely unrelated to the assignments. For example: the semester project is utilizing ARC-AGI as a framework to create an AI agent. The lectures are still referring to the previous project, raven’s matrices. While the theoretical points made are solid, these lectures aren’t nearly as helpful as ML4T’s. Those lectures are tightly integrated with the assignments and even provide coding examples, which are great for learning. The quality of the technical specs are also not nearly as high quality. ML4T’s were very verbose, but so descriptive of what was expected (almost to a fault). The ones in KBAI are more on the vague side and require so much more external research and adds on much more dev time. It feels very much like sink or swim, since we don’t get much starter code, the lectures are unrelated, and no guidance from the TA’s.
Second, the TA’s. The KBAI TA’s are unavailable/unhelpful at their best and rude/dismissive at their worst. The big offense in my book is not having office hours at all. I could bounce ideas off the TA’s in ML4T and get helpful feedback all the time. Anytime I make an ed post, I don’t get any helpful feedback. Also a point of contention I’ve had is the grading on the writing. I feel like these TA’s grade so unnecessarily tough. I felt I didn’t put nearly this much effort for the results in ML4T and the feedback they provide is not very helpful.
My final bone to pick is the course structure. It feels like there’s always something to do and not every task feels productive. The peer feedback is good in theory. However, most of the time, it’s copy pasted from chat gpt and not very personalized. Not to mention you have to write 6 per week in order to get full participation scores. Some of the homework’s also feel unneeded. I wish the class leaned more into the coding rather than writing (common complaint Ik). I feel like I’d get more out of that than writing a paper every week and instead using that time to work on other code/ARC-AGI.
This class has been a massive letdown. I’ve heard so many good things about this course and that it’s among the best of them offered. In my experience, it has been frustration after frustration, to the point that if this is the best offered and I’m feeling this way, I don’t want to experience what the rest of the program has to offer. I’m planning to take SDP this summer as an easy class but after how this class is going, idk what my summer plans will be. Are any other students having this experience or can give guidance? Thanks for listening to my ted talk.