First class in OMSCS recommendation, which one should I do?

Background: BSCS (fresh graduated in March)

Experience: no professional experience beside building own coding projects.

Currently, I am grinding leetcode and study new framework as much as I can but I do not have any internship nor professional experience. I am a career switcher from finance to comp sci and started BSCS after I immigrated here. I know I was not exposed much to the industry. I feel like my BS is not enough for me and makes me feel so inadequate for this industry. My main concern now is to get into a doorstep and land a job. One of my reason to pursue MS is to fill in the gap of my knowledge of CS too and also I want to pivot into ML as I’m interested in.

I am planning to specialize in ML with CS hybrid. What is the first course would you recommend me to take?

I am planning to take SDP but I don’t think it will be available in phase II. My plan B is either ML4T or GIOS.

Btw, I know Java and Python well, except C/C++ that I need to refresh my knowledge.